Sunday, June 19, 2011

List Vs Linked List

Linked lists provide very fast insertion or deletion of a list member. Each member in a linked list contains a pointer to the next member in the list so to insert a member at position i:
  • update the pointer in member i-1 to point to the new member
  • set the pointer in the new member to point to member i
The disadvantage to a linked list is that random access is not possible. Accessing a member requires traversing the list until the desired member is found.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Difference Between HashTable and Dictionary:
Simply, Dictionary<TKey,TValue> is a generic type, allowing:
  • static typing (and compile-time verification)
  • use without boxing
If you are .NET 2.0 or above, you should prefer Dictionary<TKey,TValue> (and the other generic collections)
A subtle but important difference is that Hashtable supports multiple reader threads with a single writer thread, while Dictionary offers no thread safety. If you need thread safety with a generic dictionary, you must implement your own synchronization or (in .NET 4.0) useConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.

SQL - Interview Questions

Can one retrieve only the Nth row from a table?
   SELECT name,ROWNUM RN FROM test_employee WHERE ROWNUM < 8 )
 WHERE  RN = 7;

Any other efficient way:
--returns the 7th row, assuming minimum 7 rows exists
SELECT rownum,name,id,mid FROM test_employee a
 GROUP BY rownum,name,id,mid HAVING rownum = 7;

--returns the fourth row, assuming minimum 4 rows exists
SELECT * FROM test_employee WHERE rownum=1 AND rowid NOT IN
(SELECT rowid FROM test_employee WHERE rownum <= 3);

--returns 8th row, assuming, min of 8 rows exists
SELECT * FROM test_employee t1
WHERE  rowid = (
        SELECT rowid FROM test_employee t1
        WHERE  rownum <= 8
        SELECT rowid FROM test_employee t1
        WHERE  rownum < 8);

--Adding a column after a specific column
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD columnname AFTER columnname;

CREATE TABLE tab1 AS SELECT 0 AS col1, col1 AS col2 FROM tab1_old; .
alter table test_employee add  dept_id number;
alter table test_employee add  sex varchar2(1);

--to find the males and females in a company
select  sum decode(sex,'M',1,0)) MALE,
             sum decode(sex,'F',1,0)) FEMALE,
             count(decode(sex,'M',1,'F',1)) TOTAL
  from test_employee;

--To find the number of males, females department wise
select dept_id, sum decode(sex,'M',1,0)) MALE,
             sum decode(sex,'F',1,0)) FEMALE,
             count(decode(sex,'M',1,'F',1)) TOTAL
  from test_employee
 group by dept_id;

--2nd max from the table
select max(id) from test_employee where id <
(select max(id) from test_employee);

Implementing IF-THEN-ELSE login in select statement:
One can use the CASE statement or functions like DECODE, NVL, NVL2, NULLIF, COALESCE, etc. 

SQL - Update Statements

Scenario: (Uses Oracle-SQL)

HR asks to increment the salary

1. <= 3000, increase by 1000;
2. <= 4000, increase by 500;
3. <= 5000 increase by 250;

Current Salary: 3000 then New Salary should be 3000 + 1000 + 500 + 250 = 4750


create table emp_salary
  id               number,
  name             varchar2(20),
  current_sal      number(20,2),
  new_sal          number(20,2)

insert into EMP_SALARY (id, name, current_sal)
values (1, 'Mani', 3000);
insert into EMP_SALARY (id, name, current_sal)
values (2, 'abhishek', 4000);
insert into EMP_SALARY (id, name, current_sal)
values (3, 'ajay', 5000);
insert into EMP_SALARY (id, name, current_sal)
values (4, 'arun', 2000);

1. Not efficient:

update emp_salary
set new_sal = current_sal + 1000 + 500 + 250
where current_sal > 0 and current_sal <= 3000;

update emp_salary
set new_sal = current_sal +  500 + 250
where current_sal >= 3001 and current_sal <= 4000;
update emp_salary
set new_sal = current_sal +  250
where current_sal >= 4001 and current_sal <= 5000;

2. Efficient:

update test_emp_sal
set current_sal =
      when current_sal > 0 AND current_sal <= 3000 then current_sal + 1000 + 500 + 250
      when current_sal > 3001 AND current_sal <= 4000 then current_sal +  500 + 250
      when current_sal > 4001 AND current_sal <= 5000 then current_sal +  250



update orders
set order_mode_num =


update orders
set order_mode_num =
      when order_mode = 'direct' and
           customer_id < 102 then 500
      when order_mode = 'direct' then 100
      when order_mode = 'online' then 200
      when order_mode = 'walmart' then 300
      when order_mode = 'amazon' then 400
      else 0



What one skill, if you developed and practiced it consistently in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on your career?   ----Brian Tracy.